dʰǵʰyésos *ḱlewénti (what they heard of yesterday)
my attempt at proto-indo-european composition, this is supposed be a metaphysical creation fable that implies nonduality.
kéh₂n-mn̥ *h₁óynos (canto one)
*dlongʰos *preh₂gʰerno *yodéh₂[1]
a long time ago when
*sóh₂wl̥ *mḗh₁n̥skʷe *h₂stḗr
sun, moon and star
*gʷeyh₃énd *h₁óynos
lived as one
*h₂en *gʷeyh₃t *h₁óynos *h₁é*yéh₂
there lived "that" one [2]
*kʷod *sekʷt *teksyéh₁m *dyḗws
who said, "I want to create the sky"
*éǵh₂ *dyḗws *selǵm̥
I released the sky [3]
*nu sekʷt *teksyéh₁m *dʰéǵʰōm
and said, "I want to create the earth"
*éǵh₂ *dʰéǵʰōm *selǵm̥
I released the earth
*éǵh₂ *h₂ekʷeh₂kʷe *kewerokʷe
I then released the water and
*h₁n̥gʷniskʷe *h₂stḗres *selǵm̥
wind and fire and the stars
*éǵh₂*ne *pelkʷe *mḗms
I am not the skin or flesh
*éǵh₂*ne *h₂ṓwskʷe *h₃ókʷs
I am not the ear and the eye
*néǵh₂ *Hnéh₂skʷe *h₃éh₁os
nor am I the nose or the mouth
*h₂óyu *h₂óyu *gʷeyh₃mikʷe *ne *mormi
for ages, ages, I lived and will not die [4]
*preh₂gʰerno is reconstruction I did on my own, probably not very accurate but I liked the word
*preh₂ -> pre
*ǵʰer -> to seize/enclose -> *gʰrono -> χρόνος -> chronos (time, in the abstract sense)
a reference to तत् त्वम् असि
*selǵ- later goes on to become sṛjáti in vedic sanskrit, and in the aitareyopanishad's creation fable, sṛjáti used to imply creation.
the speaker context switch is also intentional.
the idea that the soul is immortal.
if you have any criticism or correction please let me know aryalaadi123 at gmail.com