the decline of software and unix as solution

the decline of software and unix as solution

Is the Golden Age of Software Over? - pacarana abel cirilo

started 2024-3-13 finished 2024-10-17: From websites downloading 10 megabytes of Javascript just to do something simple to Video Games handholding you through the entire first stage of the game taking away the aspect of exploration and fear, to the Windows desktop UI being just a webapp running on edge to Youtube making UI changes that no one asked for and not reverting back even after a backlash, to Github being spammed with stupid pull requests just to fuel the job market rat race, and to everything being unnecessarily complex, all these sum up exactly what is wrong with the state of software development.

Adding layers on top of layers and creating a new problem to patch an old problem instead of solving the original problem is the norm. Sometimes you need to ask yourself, do I really need this much complexity in my program? do I really need to depend on all these external packages? Its bizzare to me, when I visit some these "professional websites", it feels so unreal that there was a developer out there who looked at this mess of a website, which takes multiple seconds to just load said, "Yeah this looks good, PUSH!". It is not just web developers, desktop software developers and game developers also have been constantly shipping out unusable trash. It is funny that almost every good(comfy, fast and functional) software I use is mostly being developed and maintianed by hobby programmers or programmers who maintain it as a side projects for free, thanklessly, FOR YEARS! What could possibly be the reason that hobbyist developers and developers who dont expect anything in return manage to create some of the best software that exists but well paid developers create some of the worst software known to man?