Welcome to Aryal's personal page.
Why is this page so simple?
A love letter to simplicity and a declaration of war against bloated advertisement-ridden websites.
My software projects:
- falloc: alloc and serde experiments
- atri-os: experimental riscv operating system
- wasmbrot: mandelbrot set with WASM and C++
- basilisk: machine learning framework written in rust
- pm: process manager for linux
- scoutnet: port scanning utility for unix-like systems
- xv6sh: linux port of the xv6 shell
- zinit-xv6-riscv: init system for xv6-riscv in zig
- piethon: simple tool for proto-indo-european studies and composition
- more on hiatus or left to dust
I also contribute to freesoftware projects that I depend on, mostly minor patches and package management.
Math experiments:
- parabola visuals: studying the parametric curve in jupyter
- mlpsine: predicting sine with MLPs and studying the model
- nnmandelbrot: predicting mandelbrot with basic neural networks
TODO: explain these experiments better
My compositions:
aryalaadi123 at gmail.com or _aaditya.np_ at instagram.com
no direct links to avoid bot spam
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music - Friedrich Nietzsche